What is Two Factor authentication and how this secure your account? - Techebrar

Internet is a web where nothing is safe, ie your details bank account, password can be hacked. There is nothing in the world of internet that cannot be hacked But for hackers, make this thing so difficult that they gives up, for this a two-step verification feature has been made. This is for the additional security of any online account. 

Nowadays everyone performs 2 stage verification to secure their account. This feature is used in every online thing Such as online transactions. Two Step Verification is used in Email, WhatsApp, Facebook etc. to protect the account from being hacked.

What is 2 Step Verification?

Two step verification, which we also call Multi-factor authentication, two-step verification, 2FA or dual-factor authentication is a security layer which makes your account such as bank account, email account etc. more secure or we can also say that it doubles the security of your account.

Two-factor authentication is a type, or subset, of multi-factor authentication. It is a method of confirming users' claimed identities by using a combination of two different factors: 1) something they know, 2) something they have, or 3) something they are. A third-party authenticator (TPA) app enables two-factor authentication, usually by showing a randomly-generated and constantly refreshing code which the user can use. - Wikipedia

This is a kind of security process after activating it, you can be sure to some extent about your account security. In the process you will need to provide another proof of access to your account in addition to your account password. This proof can be of any kind. For example you do a transaction to complete this OTP is also sent to the mobile along with the card and PIN. Only after entering this will your transaction be successful.

Most people keep their passwords the same in every website, so that your account can be easily hacked. If any one of your passwords is found by any hacker, then he can easily hack all your accounts. So here 2 Step Verification is very useful. If you have enabled two step verification and a hacker knows your password, then that hacker still cannot hack your account. To use the account, the hacker will have to go through 2 step verification, only then the hacker can use your account. 

How Two Step Verification Works?

 Now you must be thinking how two step verification works and how it secures our account, then I will tell you how it works and how it prevents your account from being hacked. 

You must have heard about OTP, which we call One Time Password. So understand that this is two step verification OTP only. Your mobile number is registered in two step verification. That is, if any user has your password and logs in with ID and password then an OTP code comes in your mobile. Until you enter that code your account will not be open or you won't be able to access it, so this way it makes your account secure.

Advantages & disadvantages of 2 Step Verification


  • Double the security of your account
  • Prevents unauthorized access
  • Makes online transaction safe


The biggest and main disadvantage is that if you lose your mobile number or if you do not have your mobile number, then you may have trouble logging in because the OTP that comes in 2 step verification comes on your mobile number. If you do not have your mobile number, how will you be able to access it?

How to setup 2 Step Authentication

For Google

With an account of Google, we use all its applications such as Play Store, Google Adsense, Google Ad etc. Some of these places remain our important information store. If data are leaks due to any reason then we may have a problem.
In this case you must setup 2 step authentication for Google account and it is very easy. All you have to do is open https://myaccount.google.com/ and turn 2 Step Authentication ON in the security section.
For Facebook
  1. First Login your facebook account and Go to Setting & Privacy
  2. In Setting you can see security & login option, just click on this option
  3. Now you can see two step authentication. On it and safe your facebook account.

For WhatsApp

  1. Open WhatsApp and click on three dot on upper right side
  2. Go to setting
  3. click on Account
  4. Now you can see Two-step verification, On this and secure your WhatsApp Account

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